
WALLFLOWER made the short list for the Bram Stoker award!

Welp, it’s finally happened. One of my books is almost maybe being considered for an incredibly prestigious award. Possibly.

Seriously, I cannot begin to tell you how swimmy my head gets when I see my book listed alongside powerhouses in the horror genre (especially my agency sister Courtney Alameda!).


This is enough. Truly. But if I could go to the awards in a blood-red tux and sit among the masters who make the world’s skin crawl, well . . . that’d be something else.

Sigh. Now, we wait.

From The Vampire’s Coffin (1958)—featured in WALLFLOWER

From The Vampire’s Coffin (1958)—featured in WALLFLOWER

For those of you voting on which books will officially be nominated, I am more than happy to send you a PDF (that will implode after February 23rd). Or, if you’re stuck in the past like our hero Phoebe Lane, my publisher will send you a physical copy. (I would take them up on that. They’re bee-yootiful.)

Just please, Daniel Framsky, don’t turn the television off before the nominees are announced.


SAY YES TO THE GIANTESS (Attack of the 50 Foot Wallflower sneak peek)

Thoughts I had while watching this video:

  1. I look tired.
  2. That's cool. I'll bet, like, only 17 people watch this anyway.
  3. Did I pronounce Sam Bosma correctly? OH NO! I DIDN'T PRONOUNCE FRANCESCO'S NAME CORRECTLY, THAT'S FOR SURE. Ugh. Now he gets one huge favor from me, to be collected whenever he sees fit.
  4. I hope my inability to come up with actual adjectives for the lovely people who worked on this book doesn't reflect on my writing ability . . . or their loveliness.

Jeff Zentner's book is called Rayne and Delilah's Midnight Matinee (I was so close!), and you can preorder it here. It also has a purple cover and involves scary movies. Yesssssss.

Thanks again to John Cusick, Christian Trimmer, Liz Kossner, Krista Vossen, Sam Bosma, and FranCESco Francavilla. You all have my heart.