SAY YES TO THE GIANTESS (Attack of the 50 Foot Wallflower sneak peek)

Thoughts I had while watching this video:

  1. I look tired.
  2. That's cool. I'll bet, like, only 17 people watch this anyway.
  3. Did I pronounce Sam Bosma correctly? OH NO! I DIDN'T PRONOUNCE FRANCESCO'S NAME CORRECTLY, THAT'S FOR SURE. Ugh. Now he gets one huge favor from me, to be collected whenever he sees fit.
  4. I hope my inability to come up with actual adjectives for the lovely people who worked on this book doesn't reflect on my writing ability . . . or their loveliness.

Jeff Zentner's book is called Rayne and Delilah's Midnight Matinee (I was so close!), and you can preorder it here. It also has a purple cover and involves scary movies. Yesssssss.

Thanks again to John Cusick, Christian Trimmer, Liz Kossner, Krista Vossen, Sam Bosma, and FranCESco Francavilla. You all have my heart.



It's PLEASANTVILLE meets CLOVERFIELD (not the third)!


IT'S . . .

Screen Shot 2017-12-12 at 10.17.08 AM.PNG

And it will be here 11 September 2018.

Here's a description to tide you over:

Phoebe Darrow is a lightning rod for monsters.

She and her mom are forced to flee flesh-eating plants, blobs from outer space, and radioactive ants. They survive thanks only to Phoebe’s dad—an invisible titan, whose giant eyes warn them where the next monster attack will take place.

All Phoebe wants is to stop running from motel to motel and start living a monster-free life in New York or Paris. But when her mom mysteriously vanishes, Phoebe is left to fend for herself in small-town Pennybrooke.

That's when Phoebe starts to transform . . .

Christian McKay Heidicker returns with a book unlike any other, challenging perceived notions of beauty, identity, and what it means to be a monster.

Preorder here! Mark on Goodreads here!

It's going to be a good one, my dears.


The DeBeardening

The title probably explains itself, but . . .

I attended an amazing event called Teen Author Boot Camp that is operated by stunningly talented people who keep hundreds of kids organized and working like a well-buttered machine.

I was asked to teach a class on how to gamify your writing experience. At the end of the class, I challenged them a vocabulary game called Contact, the rules of which can be found here (you should play it with me sometime). I thought what better way to up the stakes than to offer up some sort of reward if the kids were able to defeat me, a professional author, in a game all about words. Of course, I have little to give beyond the hairs on my face.

And that's just what they took.

Whether they actually defeated me or if I let them win because I need to take an author photo set in the 1950s (and beards weren't exactly in back then), we'll never know.

But we can watch the result:

(video credit: Chase Sofia Schetselaar)

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go design a new site logo. Or grow a new beard. Whichever happens first.

Love-a you all.